黄能 Huang Neng
国际交流合作处处长 Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Department
全面负责国际交流合作处的各项工作 Responsible for all work of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department
TEL: 0511-87762571
赵琪 Zhao Qi
国际交流与合作处职员 Staff,Office of International Exchanges and Cooperation
负责学生出国交流项目管理、外籍教师招聘与管理、综合事务 Responsible for students' study abroad programs,recruitment and management of foreign teachers, general affairs
TEL: 0511-87762286
石雪 Shi Xue
国际交流与合作处职员 Staff,Office of International Exchanges and Cooperation
负责学生出国留学项目管理、教师境外培训学习、综合事务 Responsible for students' study abroad programs,teachers’ overseas training and study,general affairs
TEL: 0511-87762286